Manta network

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Manta Network is a multi-modular ecosystem for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. It consists of two networks: Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic. Manta Pacific is an Ethereum Layer 2 ecosystem for EVM-native ZK applications, while Manta Atlantic is a ZK Layer 1 chain on Polkadot. Together, these networks aim to provide a scalable, secure, and user-friendly environment for the development and adoption of ZK applications.

Manta Pacific: EVM-native ZK Applications

Manta Pacific is designed to address the limitations of existing blockchain networks when it comes to ZK applications. It offers a scalable and inexpensive gas-fee environment for deploying ZK applications using Solidity, the programming language commonly used for Ethereum smart contracts.

Key Features and Benefits of Manta Pacific:

Programmable ZK as EVM-native L2: Manta Pacific provides a programmable ZK (Zero-Knowledge) layer as an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-native Layer 2 solution. This allows developers to build and deploy ZK applications using Solidity, without the need to learn new programming languages or switch to different ecosystems.

Universal Circuits: Manta Pacific leverages Universal Circuits, a technology that enables easy ZK application development using only Solidity. This simplifies the development process and promotes wider adoption of ZK applications.

Enhanced Scalability and Low Transaction Fees: Manta Pacific utilizes Celestia for data availability and Polygon zkEVM for enhanced scalability. This combination allows for high scalability and low transaction fees, making it more cost-effective for users and developers.

Modularity for Lower Gas Fees:
By leveraging Celestia's modular data availability (DA) layer, Manta Pacific can deliver a fast infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of other Layer 2 solutions. This modularity helps reduce gas fees and enhances the overall scalability of the network.

Developer-Friendly and App Agnostic: Manta Pacific offers a ZK library and Universal Circuits 2.0, allowing developers to easily call ZK-enabled contracts within their existing Solidity smart contracts and DApps. This makes it developer-friendly and app agnostic, enabling a wide range of use cases.

New ZK Use Cases and Real Users: Manta Pacific aims to unlock new ZK use cases and attract real users. By combining Manta's ZK technology, Celestia's modular DA, and the zkEVM, the network provides a compelling ecosystem for developers and users interested in ZK applications.

Manta Atlantic: ZK Layer 1 Chain on Polkadot

Manta Atlantic focuses on providing modular on-chain compliance identities and credentials to the web3 ecosystem through zkSBTs (Zero-Knowledge Scalable Blockchain Technologies). It aims to offer user-friendly access to powerful ZK-enabled use cases and interoperability with other projects.

Key Features and Benefits of Manta Atlantic:

Fastest ZK Layer 1 Chain: Manta Atlantic is designed to be the fastest ZK Layer 1 chain on Polkadot. It leverages zkSBTs to provide efficient and scalable ZK technology for various applications.

Programmable Identities and Credentials: Manta Atlantic brings programmable identities and credentials to the web3 ecosystem. This enables developers to create innovative applications that require secure and privacy-preserving identity management.

Manta Atlantic aims to facilitate interoperability between different projects by providing modular on-chain compliance identities. This helps other projects achieve interoperable identities without the need for extensive cryptography work.

Growing Ecosystem: Manta Atlantic has a flourishing ecosystem with many projects launching on top of its infrastructure to leverage its ZK technology. This growth is driven by the benefits of reduced transaction fees and increased data availability provided by Manta's Celestia DA layer.

Overall, Manta Network aims to provide a comprehensive ecosystem for ZK applications, offering scalability, security, and user-friendly experiences. By combining the strengths of Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic, the network aims to drive the adoption of ZK applications and contribute to the growth of the web3 ecosystem.

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